Apple and blueberry juice

Apple and blueberry juice

Blackie, who is very inquisitive, likes walking in the garden with friends and enjoying Galicia juices.

This juice is endowed with original “forest” taste and harmoniously blends together our favorite fruit and extremely useful berries which were luxuriating under the caressing sun in the Carpathian valleys. Blueberry is called a natural source of vitamins and trace elements. It is rich in tannins which stimulate digestion; besides it enhances memory and has a positive effect on eyesight. Like most forest berries, blueberries have anti-inflammatory properties and contain antioxidants that protect our body against diseases and aging.


  • Apple juice 90%
  • Blueberry juice 10%

Direct pressing technology

Minimal fruit processing and maximum preservation of vitamins and minerals for your health without adding sugar, water and preservatives.

100% natural juice 100% natural juice
No added sugar No added sugar
Direct pressing Direct pressing
No adding water No adding water
No preservatives No preservatives
An honest litre An honest litre
  • At the top of the pyramid is fresh fruit. Selected fruits that we select to make juices.

  • Fresh juice is a juice from 100% fruit, which is suitable for consumption for 15 minutes, until the drink has oxidized.

  • Juice of direct extraction - fresh, subjected to light pasteurization and bottled under aseptic conditions

  • 100% juice, but reconstituted is a drink made from concentrate and water.

    Concentrate – made from juice, from which up to 85% of moisture is removed under pressure and high temperature. Subsequently, to restore the juice, distilled water is added to the concentrate. Under such conditions, it is impossible to save most of the vitamins and the drink loses its benefits.

  • Nectar is a drink made from concentrate, but with a significantly higher content of water and sugar, artificially added flavor enhancers and flavors. Only in this way can you saturate the diluted taste. In nectars, the fruit part is only from 25 to 50%.

  • Mors is a drink that is less and less like juice.  After all, the amount of concentrate is reduced due to the addition of more water, sugar, dyes, preservatives and flavorings.  For example, the concentrate content in mors is 15%.

  • The juice drink is less and less like juice.  After all, the amount of concentrate is reduced due to the addition of more water, sugar, dyes, preservatives and flavorings.  The concentrate content is 10%.

  • A juice drink is the least like juice.  After all, the amount of concentrate is reduced due to the addition of more water, sugar, dyes, preservatives and flavorings.  The concentrate content is only 1%.